Maps, Keyword Lists, Sets, and Structs 学习摘要(5)

《Programming Elixir 1.3》p79-91

Posted by zhulinpinyu on August 3, 2017

Map和Keyword List,如何抉择?

注: 顺序排列 优先靠前的选项

  • 要用到pattern match,用Map
  • 相同的key 要存不同的值,用Keyword
  • 保证元素有序,用Keyword
  • 其他情况用Map

Keyword Lists

Keyword List典型用途就是作为函数的可选参数. 模块Keyword和Enum中所有的函数均可用于Keyword List



iex(1)> map = %{also_likes: "Ruby", likes: "Programming", name: "Dave", where: "Dallas"}
#%{also_likes: "Ruby", likes: "Programming", name: "Dave", where: "Dallas"}
iex(2)> { value, updated_map } = Map.pop map, :also_likes
#{"Ruby", %{likes: "Programming", name: "Dave", where: "Dallas"}}
iex(3)> map
#%{also_likes: "Ruby", likes: "Programming", name: "Dave", where: "Dallas"}
iex(4)> value
iex(5)> updated_map
#%{likes: "Programming", name: "Dave", where: "Dallas"}

强大的for: 实现filter功能

people = [
  %{ name: "Grumpy",    height: 1.24 },
  %{ name: "Dave",      height: 1.88 },
  %{ name: "Dopey",     height: 1.32 },
  %{ name: "Shaquille", height: 2.16 },
  %{ name: "Sneezy",    height: 1.28 }

IO.inspect(for person = %{ height: height } <- people, height > 1.5, do: person)
#[%{height: 1.88, name: "Dave"}, %{height: 2.16, name: "Shaquille"}]

Pattern Matching Can’t Bind Keys

key的值不能动态绑定, 否则会报错。

iex(13)> %{ 2 => state } = %{ 1 => :ok, 2 => :error }
#%{1 => :ok, 2 => :error}
iex(14)> %{ item => :error } = %{ 1 => :ok, 2 => :error }
#** (CompileError) iex:14: illegal use of variable item inside map key match, maps can only match on existing variables by using ^item
#   (stdlib) lists.erl:1354: :lists.mapfoldl/3

Pattern Matching 能够匹配变量值 具体操作如下,本质还是与常量做匹配, 因为 ^

iex> data = %{ name: "Dave", state: "TX", likes: "Elixir" } 
#%{likes: "Elixir", name: "Dave", state: "TX"}
iex> for key <- [ :name, :likes ] do
...>   %{ ^key => value } = data
...>   value
...> end
#["Dave", "Elixir"]

必须^key, 否则会执行报错,其实本质就是map的pattern matching key不能是变量。^key实质上是常量


更新map中已有的key, 采用

%{ old_map | old_key: new_value }


Map.put(old_map, :old_key, new_value)

在已有的map 中添加新key, 只能采用

Map.put_new(old_map, :new_key, new_value) #只对新key有效


Map.put(old_map, :new_key, new_value) #对新key,已有的key均有效


iex> map = %{a: 1}
#%{a: 1}
iex> %{map | a: 11}
#%{a: 11}

iex> Map.put(%{a: 1}, :b, 2)
#%{a: 1, b: 2}
iex> Map.put(%{a: 1, b: 2}, :a, 3)
#%{a: 3, b: 2}

iex> Map.put_new(%{a: 1}, :b, 2)
#%{a: 1, b: 2}
iex> Map.put_new(%{a: 1, b: 2}, :a, 3)
#%{a: 1, b: 2}


Struct 固定字段的map 或者 定制的map




defmodule Customer do
  defstruct name: "", company: ""

defmodule BugReport do
  defstruct owner: %Customer{}, details: "", severity: 1

report = %BugReport{owner: %Customer{name: "Dave", company: "Pragmatic"}, details: "broken"}


report = %BugReport{ report | owner: %Customer{ report.owner | company: "PragProg" }}

#幸好,Elixir 默认提供解决办法
put_in(, "PragProg")

#update_in 传一个函数作为参数
update_in(, &("Mr. " <> &1))

#另外还有get_in以及get_and_update_in, 详见api文档

在普通的map中对嵌套字段值更新得用 原子类型的字段名,如下图所示:

iex> report = %{ owner: %{ name: "Dave", company: "Pragmatic" }, severity: 1} 
#%{owner: %{company: "Pragmatic", name: "Dave"}, severity: 1}
iex> put_in(report[:owner][:company], "PragProg")
#%{owner: %{company: "PragProg", name: "Dave"}, severity: 1}
iex> update_in(report[:owner][:name], &("Mr. " <> &1))
#%{owner: %{company: "Pragmatic", name: "Mr. Dave"}, severity: 1}


nested = %{
    buttercup: %{ 
      actor: %{
        first: "Robin",
        last:  "Wright"
      role: "princess"
    westley: %{
      actor: %{
        first: "Cary",
        last:  "Ewles"     # typo!
      role: "farm boy"

IO.inspect get_in(nested, [:buttercup])
# => %{actor: %{first: "Robin", last: "Wright"}, role: "princess"}

IO.inspect get_in(nested, [:buttercup, :actor])
# => %{first: "Robin", last: "Wright"}

IO.inspect get_in(nested, [:buttercup, :actor, :first])  
# => "Robin"

IO.inspect put_in(nested, [:westley, :actor, :last], "Elwes")
# => %{buttercup: %{actor: %{first: "Robin", last: "Wright"}, role: "princess"},
# =>     westley: %{actor: %{first: "Cary", last: "Elwes"}, role: "farm boy"}}


authors = [
  %{ name: "José",  language: "Elixir" },
  %{ name: "Matz",  language: "Ruby" },
  %{ name: "Larry", language: "Perl" }

languages_with_an_r = fn (:get, collection, next_fn) ->
   for row <- collection do
     if String.contains?(row.language, "r") do

#next_fn 就是 get_in

IO.inspect get_in(authors, [languages_with_an_r]) 
#=> [%{language: "Elixir", name: "José"}, nil, %{language: "Perl", name: "Larry"}]

IO.inspect get_in(authors, [languages_with_an_r, :name]) 
#=> [ "José", nil, "Larry" ]

#由此例可知,get_in 对于有map构成的list也是可访问的

Access 模块

get, get_in, update_in, get_and_update_in提供预定义函数作为参数使用。

比如用于list的 Access.all/0 和

cast = [
    character: "Buttercup",
    actor: %{
      first: "Robin",
      last:  "Wright"
    role: "princess"
    character: "Westley",
    actor: %{
      first: "Cary",
      last:  "Elwes"
    role: "farm boy"

IO.inspect get_in(cast, [Access.all(), :character])
#=> ["Buttercup", "Westley"]

IO.inspect get_in(cast, [, :role])
#=> "farm boy"

IO.inspect get_and_update_in(cast, [Access.all(), :actor, :last],
                             fn (val) -> {val, String.upcase(val)} end)
#=> {["Wright", "Ewes"],
#    [%{actor: %{first: "Robin", last: "WRIGHT"}, character: "Buttercup",
#       role: "princess"},
#     %{actor: %{first: "Cary", last: "EWES"}, character: "Westley",
#       role: "farm boy"}]}

另外值得注意的是get_and_update_in的返回结果是元组,元组的第一个元素为 get的返回结果,第二个元素为update的返回结果(update是基于get定的,也就是get那个就update那个)

Access.elem/1 函数只用于元组

cast = [
    character: "Buttercup",
    actor:    {"Robin", "Wright"},
    role:      "princess"
    character: "Westley",
    actor:    {"Carey", "Elwes"},
    role:      "farm boy"

IO.inspect get_in(cast, [Access.all(), :actor, Access.elem(1)])
#=> ["Wright", "Elwes"]

Access.key/1 和 Access.key!/1 只用于字典类型(Map和Struct)

cast = %{
  buttercup: %{
    actor:    {"Robin", "Wright"},
    role:      "princess"
  westley: %{
    actor:    {"Carey", "Elwes"},
    role:      "farm boy"

IO.inspect get_in(cast, [Access.key(:westley), :actor, Access.elem(1)])
#=> "Elwes"


IO.inspect get_in(cast, [:westley, :actor, Access.elem(1)])
#=> "Elwes"

Access.pop 用于 Map 和 Keyword List (返回值为元组,第一个元素为key对应的值没有则返回nil,第二个元素为pop后剩余的值)

iex> Access.pop(%{name: "Elixir", creator: "Valim"}, :name) 
#{"Elixir", %{creator: "Valim"}}
iex> Access.pop([name: "Elixir", creator: "Valim"], :name) 
#{"Elixir", [creator: "Valim"]}
iex> Access.pop(%{name: "Elixir", creator: "Valim"}, :year) 
#{nil, %{creator: "Valim", name: "Elixir"}}


iex> set1 = 1..5 |> Enum.into(
#MapSet<[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]>
iex> set2 = 3..8 |> Enum.into(
#MapSet<[3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]>
iex> MapSet.member? set1, 3
iex> MapSet.union set1, set2
#MapSet<[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]>
iex> MapSet.difference set1, set2
#MapSet<[1, 2]>
iex> MapSet.difference set2, set1
#MapSet<[6, 7, 8]>
iex> MapSet.intersection set2, set1
#MapSet<[3, 4, 5]>