
Posted by 竹林品雨 on May 19, 2013

原文链接:http://www.diguage.com/archives/75.html #####MapReduce简介

  MapReduce是一个编程模型,也是一个处理和生成超大数据集的算法模型的相关实现。用户首先创建一个Map函数处理一个基于key/value pair的数据集合,输出中间的基于key/value pair的数据集合;然后再创建一个Reduce函数用来合并所有的具有相同中间key值的中间value值。

  一图胜千言,下面我们用一张图来说明一下MapReduce:   一图胜千言,下面我们用一张图来说明一下MapReduce:

var Job = {
  data : [
          "We are glad to see you here. This site is dedicated to",
          "poetry and to the people who make poetry possible",
          "poets and their readers. FamousPoetsAndPoems.com is",
          "a free poetry site. On our site you can find a large",
          "collection of poems and quotes from over 631 poets",
          "Read and Enjoy Poetry",
          "I, too, sing America",
          "I am the darker brother",
          "They send me to eat in the kitchen",
          "When company comes",
          "But I laugh",
          "And eat well",
          "And grow strong",
          "Ill be at the table",
          "When company comes",
          "Nobodyll dare",
          "Say to me",
          "Eat in the kitchen",
          "Theyll see how beautiful I am",
          "And be ashamed",
          "I, too, am America"
  //并"重组"成诸如{key: 单词, value: 1}格式的对象,返回对象数组
  map : function(line) {
    var splits = line.split(" ");
    var temp = [];
    for(var i=0; i<splits.length; i++) {
      temp.push({key : splits[i], value : 1});
    return temp;
  reduce : function(allSteps) {
    var result = {};
    for(var i=0; i<allSteps.length; i++) {
      var step = allSteps[i];
      result[step.key] = result[step.key] ? (result[step.key] + 1) : 1;
    return result;

  init : function() {
    var allSteps = [];
    for(var i=0; i<Job.data.length; i++) {
      allSteps = allSteps.concat(Job.map(Job.data[i])); 
    var result = Job.reduce(allSteps)

}; // Job




作 者: D瓜哥,http://www.diguage.com/